The left, in their incessant need for recognition, has again posted information intended to shock Catholics. A recent Gallop Poll found
here discusses, among other things, what
mainstream Catholics think about issues such as, you guessed it, abortion, stem cell research, homosexuality, and gambling (just to mention the usual suspects). By
mainstream, the left means those Catholics who agree with them--men who deny objective morality and who have poisoned their conscience with delusions of grandeur and hopes of a Church without walls.
Mainstream, however, does not mean
right--even if held by a so called majority. Certainly, perhaps fifty or sixty years ago, the term could have been rightly applied to Catholics because the mainstream
was the Church. The term today, however, is immediately suspect. Today,
mainstream represents those Catholics who have become drunk with the wine of iniquity and compromise. They have become the enemy of Christ and His Church. In public, they give lip service to both God and man; in private, their lives are a combination of uncertainty and contradiction, sin and debauchery. They are their own authority.
These "Catholics" can be counted on to get it wrong when it comes to moral issues and official Church teachings especially regarding such things as abortion, divorce, and homosexuality. Why is this the case? Certainly at the heart of the problem are priests and bishops whose training, especially regarding moral theology, was nonexistent for several decades. I could argue that priests, more than any other group of individuals, were affected more by the moral attack of the 1960's than we realize. Many of these men were just too weak too fight the good fight and adopted the mentality,
if you can't beat them, join them. Others were rotten from the beginning, using the priesthood to push an anti-moral/anti-God agenda through the seminaries into the churches and schools. Once their agenda was complete, it was only a matter of time before objective morality was thrown out the window along with respect, manners and Catholic etiquette in general. Is it any wonder then that polls show Catholics in opposition to Church teaching regarding homosexuality, birth control, abortion and divorce? What is more shocking and nauseating, I think, is that these people continue to call themselves Catholic. How exactly can one consider himself part of a group whose positions are diametrically opposed to his own? At the root of this issue is a diabolical hatred of Christ. Why else would they seek to conform the Church to their will? These are not fun loving Catholics who pray the Rosary and go to confession. These are the Catholics telling you that the Church is outdated, that She just doesn't get it, as if they were the standard of doctrine, dogma and morality. Neither they, nor their apologists in the media, understand the Church's nature. She is not a
democratic polis wherein majority rules. The majority is usually at odds with Her tenants but She remains firm. The Church is based on the ideas of hierarchy, participation, and mediation. Her truths are infallible; She alone is
indefectible. So when reading the Gallop Polls and other pieces of nonsense, don't get too upset. The issue is not with the Church, the issue is with those men both inside and outside Her fold who will not stop until She is destroyed. Our Lord, however, promised that the gates of hell would not prevail against Her. I wonder what the mainstream would say about that?