Friday, June 6, 2008

Come on Down to the Farm...

God's Parish

I love Holy Family Catholic Church in Columbus, Ohio! Located in the heart of Columbus, Holy Family is an oasis in the desert, a veritable paradise on earth where the Extraordinary Form of the Mass is celebrated every Sunday, as well as four to five times during the week. My family and I had the privilege of being parishioners of this great church for a couple of years before we decided that it was time I finish my degree. Regretfully, we left Holy Family along with our friends and family; yet Holy Family left an indelible mark on our minds and hearts. The pastor Fr. Lutz (he is wearing the stole and is assiting in choir in the above video) is a "priest's priest" whose sacrifices do not go unnoticed, although we know he would prefer that they did. He is the great leader of a great community that my wife and I miss everyday. It is our hope that our absence will be short and we will soon be back home. If you are in the Columbus, Ohio area and want authentic tradition, stop into Holy Family for Sunday Mass. It will not take you long to see why everyone calls it "God's Parish".

A bid h/t to for the video.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

True Knights...

One of the many plagues our society has been inflicted with in recent years is the spread of filth in the form of books, pictures, and videos. More addictive than heroin, pornography cripples boys, men, husbands, fathers, daughters, wives and mothers. Many Catholics, including this author, don't like to talk about the dangers of these demonic tools because the talk of them often throws one into a tumultuous sea of disaster. Yet, as uncomfortable as it is to address, addressed it must be. Dr. Plinio CorrĂȘa De Oliveira once said that the "only way to beat impurity is to run away from it" and this is probably the best advice. Yet many men and women, perhaps even some of my readers, have struggled with pornography or have family members who struggle with pornography. Telling one simply to "run away" is not always fruitful. Instead, one must be purged of his sin, then trained properly how to fight not only the battle in the world, but also the battle against his fallen human condition. Men and boys, husbands and fathers: we are the pillar and standard of our families! If we are strong, our families will be strong. If we are weak, our families will crumble! Please take a moment to look at the following website If you are struggling with sins of impurity or you have family members struggling, you do not have time to waste! Remember the exhortation of St. Peter in his First Epistle Chapter 5 v. 8-10: "Be sober and watch: because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, goeth about seeking whom he may devour. Whom resist ye, strong in faith: knowing that the same affliction befalls your brethren who are in the world. But the God of all grace, who hath called us into his eternal glory in Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a little, will himself perfect you, and confirm you, and establish you."

More From the Religion of Peace...

Muslims attack Christians with machetes and sticks in Indonesia
Madrid, Jun 3, 2008 / 03:51 pm (CNA).
Muslim extremists who are members of the Islamic Defenders Front recently attacked 200 moderate Christians and Muslims who protested for religious freedom in the Indonesian capital, threatening the protestors with death and attacking them with machetes and sticks. Twelve people were left wounded as the extremists shouted, “Repent or die.”
According to the Spanish daily, “La Razon,” the extremists also attacked children and the elderly who were present at the protest. Between the years 2004 and 2007, Muslim extremist groups and local governments closed 110 churches in Indonesia.
La Razon also pointed to the case of Habiba Kouider, a Muslim convert to Christianity in Algeria who was arrested and sentenced for having copies of the Bible in her possession. In addition to her case, seven other Christians are on trial.
The Spanish daily also denounced that in Egypt, two Catholic Coptic priests were wounded by drive-by gunfire against the Monastery of Abu Fana in the southern region of the country.