Monday, April 7, 2008

Thou Shall Not Bear False Witness...

Editor's Note:
The following column was on Rorate Caeli this morning. If the more radical in the Jewish community aren't complaining about the rants of a drunkard they are complaining about the "proselytising" of a Pope. When, pray tell, did it become illegal to pray for the conversion of one's neighbor? I am convinced that organizations like the ADL will go out of business if they are not constantly complaining about something. What do you say to men who embrace a religion still waiting for a deliverer after six thousand (probably longer) years? How can we expect these men to be honest with us when they haven't been honest with themselves? I'll tell you what, Rabbi Winer, we Catholics will stop praying that Christ lift the veil from your eyes if you stop telling the world you are Jews. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph and David would be horrified and ashamed that the religion you today call Judaism is the same one they believed so long ago. All comments are from Rorate Caeli.
From The Jewish Chronicle:
The Pope’s British envoy is to visit West London Reform Synagogue on Shabbat amid what its rabbi calls the “most acute crisis” in Jewish-Catholic relations in the past 20 years.Rabbi Mark Winer will publicly bring up the controversy sparked by the Pope’s endorsement of a Good Friday prayer which openly calls for the conversion of the Jews....In the draft of an address to be delivered tomorrow [yesterday, April 5], Rabbi Winer says that “expressions of Jewish anger” over the prayer “have reached a level I do not recall in my lifetime of dialogue, as a rabbi, with the Catholic Church. Rabbinical bodies in some countries have forbidden their rabbis from participating in dialogue with representatives of the Holy See. Antisemitic riots and incidents have occurred in more than a few places.”
Really? "Antisemitic riots and incidents"? Where? When? There have been many Antisemitic (and Anti-Christian) "riots" in the past few months - but all related to another Monotheistic faith...
Isn't Rabbi Winer ashamed of lying so openly? Rabbi Winer: the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob can see you!

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